About us
Who are we ?
Created in 1997, la Fondation de Lille, recognized as being of public utility, has been at the service of the community since its creation. Entitled to act in all fields of general interest, it encourages collective initiatives in favour of a better future.
The first community foundation created in France at the service of the inhabitants of a region, la Fondation de Lille is a link between private donors, enterprises, local communities and recipients. Directly inspired by the Anglo-Saxon model of Community Foundations, la Fondation de Lille takes part in the development of philanthropy in the region Hauts-de-France but to its influence in France and in the world as well.
How do we act ?
A real philanthropic tool at the service of the inhabitants of our region, we act in two ways :
– We develop different programmes around the great issues of our society : education – environment – inclusion – culture etc, thus we pool the collected funds to act in a coherent and coordinated way in our region and take part in a better quality of life in the Hauts-de-France.
– We help enterprises, families, associations to create their own foundations and we suggest to them, as a sheltering foundation, the use of our valuation in the portage, the coordination and the engineering of projects of general interest.
Interconnected the two missions enable us, with our network of sheltered foundations, to help the greatest number to build a more respectable and a fairer society.
Our values
Neutrality : Our action is guided by a general interest and leads us to work with all parties involved in the community
Rigour : Subject to a strict legislative framework, we secure the good use of the funds in all the philanthropic chain and work with rigour and a strict transparency.
Valuation : having around us qualified benevolent people and experts, we can give efficient and personalized answers to every philanthropic project and select the most relevant projects to answer any social problem
Proximity : Directly established in the region, we have a deep knowledge of what we stakes are as well as the initiatives and what the region needs
Want to know more about us ?
For more informations about community foundations, visit the Community Foundation Atlas website.
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Contact us : contact@fondationdelille.org